Nutrigenomix DNA Waitlist

This initial deposit of $597 secures your spot for DNA testing, and allows for us to order your testing kit. Once a spot is open, we will reach out to you and send the remaining paperwork and invoice of an additional $597 to get you all set up. Please note: the deposit and full payment for DNA is non-refundable, and non-transferable. 

What does Nutrigenomix Include?


DNA Testing Kit sent straight to your home with all lab fees covered


DNA results in a PDF


Two-session consultation for review of results divided into two parts


Recording of your session

Eat according to Your Genes 

The 70-gene tests provide DNA-based dietary recommendations related to weight management, body composition, nutrient metabolism and deficiencies, food intolerances and cardiometabolic health. 

Bonus: you'll also receive information on genes that influence eating habits, injury risk and response to physical habits. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out via email.

Check out this article if you are interested and want more detail about the relationship between food and genetics!



Limited sessions available

About 65% of people carry a variant of the MTHFD1 gene that is associated with an increased risk of fatty liver on low choline intake

get personaLIZED nutrition and find out what your body truly needs along side help FROM a registeRED dietiTIAN